An Ongoing Digital Partnership

Splunk BG
splunk logo

An Ongoing Digital Partnership

Let’s Work Together

Delivering New Digital Experiences

A leader in security and observability, Splunk has crafted a distinctive brand with a strong voice and visual style. With shifts in their digital team, Splunk found themselves needing UX, design, and writing support for their website refresh that completely rearchitected their site and navigation. The Clear Digital team stepped in to lend expertise and ongoing collaboration that has spanned a wide range of projects and aspects of the Splunk digital experience.

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Our Approach

“We quickly integrated with Splunk’s team and learned their distinctive brand style to deliver innovative design treatments that redefined their digital presence. The updated site offers a dynamic and engaging user experience that truly reflects their unique brand flair.”
Danny Halvorson Creative Director
Splunk BG

Using and Expanding a Visual Library

With the web redesign, we were able to leverage the distinctive Splunk visual style and helped them establish fresh design treatments with motion graphics. Data has an important place in Splunk digital communications, so we helped them build out infographic styling, while keeping it human with their people-centric photography. And the Splunk palette always keeps things exciting!

Splunk Card

Turning a Complex Story Into an Accessible Visual

The sophistication of the Splunk platform and depth of products made visually telling their technology story an exciting challenge. Our team worked closely with Splunk’s lead storyteller to define the key information and build a visual model that conveyed what was most important. We worked diligently to hone the story and used hovers to communicate additional information. The end result was a web-friendly graphic that helped them simplify the story without losing any of the sophistication of their solutions.

Backgrounds Template

Growing the Splunk Design System

While Splunk had a design system in place, as we worked on pages throughout the site, our designers developed new components to meet specific needs. We added these elements to their design system and expanded their UI kit throughout the process.

header bkgd gray fade

Building Engagement with User Journey Mapping

Our UX team used Splunk’s existing persona work as a starting point to define anticipated site visitors and each of their specific needs. We mapped their personas to decisionmaker, influencer, and end user paths based on questions each might have during different stages of the buying journey. Core pages were identified to answer their questions, which set the framework for our information architecture.

C Suite User
T Suite User
T Suite User

A New Approach to Navigation

One of the core motivations for the website refresh was a shift in how Splunk categorized its products and solutions. We worked closely with their team to fully understand the new product/platform architecture and helped them simplify how they talked about this. Keeping lead generation top of mind, we mapped the navigation to the top 100 visited pages to help us streamline the architecture and optimize the visitor experience.

Pink Color Gradients
Splunk Platform
Splunk Platform
Splunk Products

Defining a New Narrative

With changes to the product architecture and an effort to address the needs of different personas, our UX team crafted new narratives for all of the pages we worked on. Our goal was to make sure that we addressed the needs of all users, while showcasing the advances Splunk was making across the platform.

Splunk Products

Finding That Splunk Style

The Splunk voice is friendly, fun, and a little sassy at times. With a strong corporate style and a well-established voice and tone guideline, we wrote copy for a wide range of pages. From gathering information directly from stakeholders to editing copy written by product owners, our writing team made sure every element felt distinctly like Splunk.

Splunk Community
Splunk Powering
Splunk Digital World
Splunk find
Splunk Global
Slpunk Progress
Splunk New Info

Touching More Site Elements

After our initial work on the home, platform, and product pages, we continued supporting the Splunk team’s site redesign efforts. We tackled a number of other sections of the website in subsequent sprints, including training, global impact, and careers. With each effort, we helped define the UX and page narratives, and then provided copy and design for each page.